GateWorks Mobile Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy Scope
This privacy policy applies to the GateWorks Mobile app, services, GateWorks database, and other GateWorks products. The privacy policy addresses the use of your information by Database Works. This privacy policy does not address the use of your information by our customers who purchase the GateWorks system for their businesses.
Client Software
The GateWorks Mobile client uses HTML5 local storage and session storage to store information that we use to improve the usability of our application. Local storage provides a place to store information that persists after the application has exited, while Session storage provides a place to store data while the application is running. We use local storage to store some personal information such as your login email address, so we can default your email address on the login screen. We use Session Storage to store some personal information such as your name, so that we can display who is logged in to the application.
GateWorks Mobile uses stateless web services to transfer data between the GateWorks Mobile client and the GateWorks Database. Your personal information may be accessed by the web services in order to fulfill web requests made by the client. Any personal information that is stored by the services is stored in the GateWorks Database.
The GateWorks database stores personal information about you in your user or contact record and is used for purposes related directly to providing GateWorks services, such as authentication, security, sending out emails, auditing who made changes to a record, and other functionality needed as part of the GateWorks system.
How Database Works Uses Your Personal Information
Database Works may have access to your personal information obtained through GateWorks Mobile products and services, particularly if we are hosting GateWorks. Database Works does not collect information from our customer's databases, however we do need to use the information at times in order to provide support, system maintenance, design, enhancements, testing, or similar activities necessary to maintain the system for our customers. We consider information in our customer's databases to be private and confidential and we will never sell or use the information for any purpose other than to maintain the software.
If we have your contact information on file, we may occasionally use it to contact you about the software for support or marketing purposes.